Angel Quiros's profile

Red Maintenance Pikmin

Maintenance Pikmin
!!Hero Picture!!
Background Story~
I have the issue of not knowing whether my plants need to be watered or not (T^T),
So I got to thinking there has to be something out there to help me. Turns out there are but the products on the market are quite pricy for a full time college student. So I decided to make the "Maintenance Pikmin". I decided to use the red pikmin which is from the a video game called "Pikmin" I played growing up. They are creatures on a unknown planet that help you to get back home. I picked the Red pikmin because it is the first character of the pikmin you are introduced to. Red pikmin are fire resistance and fiercer in battle, plus I just thought his nose was super cute. My project is to be placed into a plant and depending on the color that the flower base lights up will tell you whether or not you can water the plant.

Color Key~
RED- Do not water (too much water) on the right
YELLOW- Does not need water (perfect) on the left
GREEN- Go ahead water ( in need of water) in Hero picture
3d Models before printing in the program Cura
- Pikmin 3D model made by colby404 (link attached below)
-Flower Base made by yours truly
Painting Process for 3D Models 
Materials used during the process
- Hot glue
- Acrylic paint

Finished painting and put together (without technology)
EDA View

Coding Notes:
I coded the neopixels to light up based on the input the soil Moisture sensor would send to the Arduino and based on the value it would be placed in-between thresholds I set to trigger a color to be sent to the neopixels.
Story board for Pikmin Project Idea | Video below
Red Maintenance Pikmin

Red Maintenance Pikmin
